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Italian Monkey

Sale price £6.00

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30 in stock

FREE Delivery Available
When you spend £30 or more.

Origin - Various South American & African

Process – Wahed

Varietal - Caturra, Catuaí, Bourbon

Roast - Dark

Servings - per 250g box/bag of coffee you get 12/14 cups on an average of 18/19 grams per serving.

Our Italian Roast is the strongest and darkest blend that we offer. Roasted at an higher temperature it gives a unique taste and smell, delivering an unmistakable kick when taken as an espresso shot and strikes through your milk with a punch.

Dark chocolate, nutmeg with a fruity undertone and a full body. Great for milky coffees, these beans are very dark and have an oily look to them.


Free postage on all coffee orders over £30

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