Nicaragua - Finca Buena Vista
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Cupping notes - Cherry, white wine, orange and Chocolate.
Origin - Nicaragua
Location - Dipilto, Nueva Segovia
Farm - Finca Buena Vista
Altitude - 1000 Meters above sea level
Process - Natural, extended anaerobic cherry fermentation
Varietal - Obata
Roast - Medium
Servings - per 250g box/bag of coffee you get 12/14 cups on an average of 18/19 grams per serving.
Finca Buena Vista Los Muros is a 6ha farm owned and operated by Luis Bernardo Paguaga in Dipilto Viejo, Nueva Segovia. This single-varietal Marsellesa microlot utilises a raised bed natural process with an extended anaerobic cherry fermentation. This lot was produced in collaboration with the Peralta family whose specialty coffee influence can be felt throughout the Nueva Segovia region.
The Process
This lot was produced using natural process with an extended anaerobic fermentation. First, ripe cherries are sorted and washed. Afterward, they are introduced into airtight 450L tanks to ferment for up to 72 hours in an anaerobic environment. To lower the temperature down to approximately 15 Celsius, the tanks are placed inside water-filled fermenting pools to slow the fermentation and avoid spoilage or risk of taints for up to 72 hours.
After the fermentation period is finished, the cherries are taken out of the tanks and transported to the dry mill for the drying process which may take up to 30 days. Initially, the cherries are spread on a single layer for a three day period to allow them to shed off the excess water. Once the excess water is eliminated and the cherries begin to dry, these are placed on the covered drying beds for the remainder of the drying period. The cherries are moved by hand three times a day to allow them to dry evenly and prevent mould or over-fermentation.
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